Meaning: To delay doing something that we should do, usually because we do not want to do it.
What is procrastination and why do we do it?
As the meaning above describes, it is the delay in doing something that we should really do now.
But why is that? What is it that is denying us the energy to do that task in particular?
Procrastination is based on the mood we are in, the emotions we are feeling and results in a negative state. These are often related to moods induced by certain feelings such as boredom, anxiety, insecurity, frustration, resentment, self-doubt and others. Therefore, procrastination is not necessarily a time management issue.
It is known that people who procrastinate do not feel good about themselves and the situation that it puts them in, which just exacerbates the situation.
There are many reasons that we procrastinate, some of which will be highlighted here, but they can be to do with our vision and beliefs. There may be a lack of vision, not being able to visualise the task done, or most likely, that the outcome is so far away that the steps to achieving it are not clearly defined and hence the reason for taking that one small step becomes meaningless. We may not actually believe that the outcome will transpire due to the negative beliefs that we have. For example: To own my own property. We are constantly told that the deposits are too high and that the mortgages are exceedingly difficult to get since we may not have the necessary income. The main course of action is to take the required steps to solve these problems. Firstly, start by saving for the deposit. It does not matter how much but make the commitment and take action. That way you are on the way and every time you save you are closer to obtaining your house.
We live in a digital world where it is expected that results are immediate. A ping on the mobile and an email or message arrives – you have to answer it, there and then, since that is what everyone else is doing. Consider this: is replying to the message that urgent that you give it so much importance? Take time out, flag it, and reply accordingly at a time which you set. Manage your time and tasks to achieve the result that is required. Why are people like Bill Gates, Richard Branson, etc. so successful? They too have only 24 hours in the day, but their lives seem so much more productive. It is because they manage their time and only do the things that need to be done when it is necessary. They take action on the tasks that will ensure that the results required is achieved or at least progressed toward.
We are also creatures of habit, because everyone else does it, we also do it. But as you can see above, those people that do not conform to society’s norms are the ones that are most successful.
Do not follow the trend, make the trend. Create positive habits and routines to enable the realisation of your vision.
Article by Taher Mulla